Combat Casting

Combat Casting
List: Mystic Warrior
Cost: 6
Prereqs: Channeling
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant

This skill allows a character to channel spells while they are taking damage. Once purchased, this skill is always in affect. This skill does not protect a character from taking damage; it only allows them to ignore the damage for the purpose of casting spells. Combat Casting does not prevent a character from being paralyzed, knocked unconscious, affected by a Bind spell, or otherwise rendered physically unable to cast spells.

This skill works only with the schools of magic the character can channel and only while channeling those spells. If the caster casts a spell from another school or casts a spell normally, the spell will be interrupted if they take damage.

The character’s Dedicated Weapon is needed to use this skill.

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